Monday, April 14, 2014

What burdens are you carrying? perhaps it is time to let go

This is a saying from Gary Zukav.  It is possible to carry a burden for so long that one does not recognize it as such.   The interesting thing is that no matter how small the burden,  if carried long enough it will eventually have an impact...
What burdens are you carrying?
For more ways to let go read a small yet power packed book designed to help you release and grow into your greatness.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Keep it clean

I keep "mess" out of my space...

If you have taken the time to cultivate a space where you are comfortable, be mindful of
who and what you let in that space.
Be it home space,
business space
and/or esp. your head space.keep it clear

distractions distract

keep the messy out

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Ultimate Gift Is Love

The holidays are a  great time to connect and reminisce with family and friends.  During this time old memories may resurface and these memories may elicit some emotions.  It is easy to get caught up in what could have, would have and/or should haves of the past.  The end of the year holiday season is a wonderful festive time to embrace the present moment.  Remembering the past in a excellent time to honor life and begin to cultivate as much love as possible.  What a gift life is!  Take time to breathe and savor the present as it to shall pass into a distant memory.  We are always making memories each moment of every day.  Be fully present as you give and receive the ultimate gift,  I believe the ultimate gift is already present in each of us.  It is the gift of love... it is free and free flowing.  All that is required is the acknowledgement that love exists.   It is written that love begets love.  Begin to take sometime and cultivate the love within and that love will result in and bring forth more love in each and every area of your life.  It is not possible to be filled with love if any old "bad" memories exist.  Forgiveness is a gift and self forgiveness is a powerful tool to cultivate love.
Let go and let God.

Here are three tips to cultivate self love:
  1. Take several deep breathes with your eyes closed then sit for a few moments in a safe and nurturing    environment.  Contemplate the breath and honor how amazing breathing is.
  2.  Stop and become aware of your body posture. Are you relaxed or are your neck and shoulder muscles tense?  Do a mental body scan.  If any part of your body is tense consciously relax it until your entire body is relaxed.
  3. Imagine love.  What would love feel like? What would love be like? Could it be possible to grow love, in love as love in every area of life.  Should love express a certain way?  Imagine the possibilities.
Happy Holidays!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Being in this World but Not of It Metaphysical Thoughts on Competition

Here are some metaphysical thoughts about being in this world but not succumbing to thoughts of competition, lack and limitation. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

The past is the past it is safe to let go

Ernest Holmes wrote There is nothing we have done, said or thought which rise up against us, which has power over us or which limits us:  there is no memory of fear, no condemnation for previous mistakes.  With the desire to free ourselves from the further indulgence in the mistake, the effect of the previous mistake is wiped out, just as light dissipates the darkness.

Today I let go and let God...